Ma toute belle,

Ma toute belle,

what a delicious night...

I do hope all my soul sisters all over the world feel as peaceful as I feel today...Thank you for being here girls...thank you for giving me wings...

A postcard for little Moomin

Mousie and little Mousie boy are visiting Finland. Little moomin is very proud of showing them his country...Of course the night is long at this time of the year, byt nevermind they'll have a nice Christmas in the little house...Hear the sea? the waves are very strong tonight...Have a nice evening my sweetheart and a lovely Christmas...

Happy birthday sweetheart,

I wanted a picture to illustrate your name, so I searched the web and found this, it's called:
"Amber afternoon..."
many happy returns to the day sister...

Diez-ha-bloaz mad, Cate

Her name is Jeanne, she lives in "le pays bigouden"the south of Brittany...
She came all the way, thanks to the photograph Daniel Sainthorant
to wish you a very very happy birthday...
Sure she'll offer you some crusty pancakes and coffee...
May be you could help her to pin her head-dress...
I wish you two a lovely day...

You gave me birth 60 years ago, thank you Mum and Dad...

November the 11th...Peace message...

For everyone, whether if we believe in God or not

For everything there is a season,
And a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

sisters of blood, sisters of love, sisters of choice

Sisters don't need words.
They have perfected a language of snarls and smiles
and frowns and winks
- expressions of shocked surprise
and incredulity and disbelief.
Sniffs and snorts and gasps and sighs
- that can undermine
any tale you're telling.
Pam Brown

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you
happy birthday darling Marianne

Lucie Marguerite and Cergie ! soup's ready !!!

Prairie Star is travelling...

Once upon the time , in a very very large country lived a beautiful star.her name was Prairie Star. One day she decided to travel round the world. "Maybe I could go to Plumpiemousie", she thought.They must have prairies over there...
So she went...

When she arrived, she was very very tired, and a bit disappointed, "la prairie est si petite!!!".She didn't know everything was so small in this country. But suddenly, she heard:"A star, a star!!!Come and see us darling..."

Mousie and her friends were very proud and happy to welcome such a visitor! They all had tea and spent the night singing plumpiemousian songs. (You know it's an international language).It was a great party.
Then the day came...

It was time to go. "Prairie Star" went back to her country, very happy to have new friends. Sure she'll come back one day.
Why is she black? Don't tell me you didn't know Prairie stars have black hair! You can see her locks flying in the wind...bye, dear...

somewhere in Plumpiemousie or Kentucky

we are having problems...who could help?

all wee bits and pieces waiting in their box
to go through the scan...

a book-cover for Linda

you'll have to tell me where to send it sweetheart...

a parcel for Sukhi...

Could you make something out of this? I've got many things, thought I could share...see you sweetheart, enjoy your sewing...

magical pebbles again...for those who need them..
hold them tight in your hand

message revu et corrigé, pour la plus belle des naissances

Bienvenue ma douce, bienvenue au pays des Soizic, des Françoises, des Rozens et des Claudines, au grand pays des femmes. Nous t'aimons très fort petite fille, petite sais-tu pourquoi tu as un creux au dessus de ta lèvre supérieure en dessous de ton minuscule bout de nez? à la naissance les enfants savent tout du monde, ils ont un peu peur et crient, alors l'ange arrive et leur dit: chut, maintenant tu vas tout oublier et après tu pourras apprendre la vie...Ce creux au dessus de ta bouche est la marque du doigt de l'ange...Bonne vie ma Lisa...Tu seras une femme, ma fille...

We are the fairies, the god-mothers, the sisters and the sweet witches. We came with presents and wishes and songs to welcome Lisa. Rejoice sisters a new baby is born...

In another country, a very wild one, in the deep forest...

You're sure it was pink lemonade?
Look at them!!!

Pink Party

We feel pretty oh so pretty...

pour mes copines chéries chéries de la closerie...

je ne vous oublierai pas, même après ma mort je vous embêterai encore..d'abord si vous cliquez sur le titre au dessus vous allez me voir...

present for Cate...

too late for magical pebbles, too dark outside,
I MUST get her some flowers...
I'm so small...

18 Juin...

J'ai pris les roses de mon jardin,
pour te souhaiter une bonne fête, mon petit papa...

Pour Maman...

Je viens de loin , très loin,
pour saluer mon amie Marie-Jo...

have a nice Summer sisters...

Then followed that beautiful season... Summer....Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscapeLay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

important message...

Little Birdie Bird
I found your feather
you may come and get it
whenever you like.


May you always be
as lighthearted as the butterfly...

dancing tonight...

flower for your hair
butterfly for your shoulder
lace for your dress

dancing tonight...

Pin sweetsmelling roses and jasmine to your low neck...