Ma toute belle,

Ma toute belle,

Prairie Star and Wolfstar, my beloved sisters, I knew you were going to visit me...Come along tea's ready...I've only got one chair...
but you can sit on the bench near my friends...they are happy to meet you...

Mousies push push, we want some room to sit...
Now everybody, let's enjoy our tea...
I'm so happy to see you... have you noticed, Diamond just under this post...?

1 comment:

Gledwood said...

Mousie, I love that style of artwork... I was looking for the reversal blog you did: with colours in photographic "negative" form... can't remember what it's called...

I was just wondering how you were. I'm sorry not to have been in touch on a regular basis for quite a while ... I get lost in the mysteries and mazes of the internet...

Do you know anything of that Belgian-Japanese author Amelie Nothomb? (Pretty sure that's her name...) a writer of modern fairy-tales... I would love to read her stuff in English (lovely idea to read it in French but I'd never put the dictionary down...) I heard it is unusual... or do you think it is rubbish..??

I hope all is going well with you, take care!
